Sunday 22 June 2014


Today is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, or more commonly shortened to Corpus Christi. For some years now this feast has been transferred from the traditional date of the Thursday after Trinity Sunday to the Sunday following Trinity. It has also become the usual date for the celebration of First Holy Communion in our parish. This year our four candidates for the Sacraments of Penance and Eucharist received Our Lord in Holy Communion for the first time. Michaela, Ella, Najeem and Kaleem were supported by their families and friends and the congregation at our regular 10 am Sunday Mass as they completed their preparation programme.
After receiving their certificates at the end of Mass and having their photographs taken, our Communicants joined the rest of their guest and parishioners in the parish room for tea, coffee and a slice of celebratory cake.